Although not on the official listo f the American Coffee Delegation during its recent visit to São Paulo, Mr. Willian H. Ukers, Editor and Publisher of THE TEA AND COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL, made a call of courtesy upon the Sociedade Rural Brazileira where he was received by Dr. Bento de Abreu Sampaio Vidal, the several- times president of the organization. Founded on may 20,1919, one of the prime movers of Sociedade Rural Brazileira was Mr. A. Crawford White, then British Consul in São Paulo, and several members of Armour & Co., Continental Products Co., Leon Israel & Co., the late Dr. Carlos Botelho (one of the most brilliant of the Secretaries of Agriculture of São Paulo). Prof. Nicolas Athanassof (present head of the Agricultural School at Piracicaba), Dr. Raphael SampaioVidal (later minister of Finance at Rio), Dr. Mario de Souza Queiroz, Dr Henrique de Souza Queiroz (president of the International Coffee Conference in São Paulo, April, 1931), Dr. Cesario Coimbra, Dr. Theodoro Quartim Barbosa (one-time director of the Institute), Dr. Oscar Thompson (a former director of the Coffee Council), Dr. Antonio de Queiroz Telles (Editor-in-Chief of the Folhas Group), Mr. Arthur Diederichsen, and others equally prominent._Paulista.