Periódicos: Recent submissions

  • Franco Junior, Kleso Silva; Florentino, Ligiane Aparecida; Calegari, Ademir; Mantovani, José Ricardo; Caixeta, Ivan Franco; Terra, Ana Beatriz Carvalho (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2022-06-13)
    Currently, one of the most used practices in national coffee production is skeletal pruning, to preserve productive capacity, correct plant architecture, minimize the occurrence of diseases, among others. Also, it reduces ...
  • Souza, Marciléia Santos; Ferreira, Fábio Medeiros; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros; Lopes, Maria Teresa Gomes; Oliveira, Leilane Nicolino Lamarão (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2021-11-08)
    A strategy for genetic improvement of coffee Coffea canephora plants is to aggregate through artificial crossings the characteristics of the Conilon botanical variety, such as shorter height and drought resistance, with ...
  • Andrade, Helga Cristina Carvalho; Moss, Marina Carneiro Bernardes (Sociedade Brasileira de Ecoturismo, 2012-08-12)
    A cafeicultura brasileira é composta 60% por agricultores familiares, responsáveis por 25% da produção nacional. No Estado de Minas Gerais, a cafeicultura exerce grande influência sobre muitas economias locais, cujos ...
  • Teixeira, Sonia Milagres; Caixeta, Gloria Zelia Teixeira; Donzele, Sergio Mauricio Lopes (Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administracao e Sociologia Rural (SOBER), 2008-07)
    O projeto verificou a viabilidade econômica da cafeicultura de agricultores familiares com vistas à inserção no mercado de cafés certificados. Focou sistemas de produção da cafeicultura da agricultura familiar de propriedades ...
  • Archanjo, Larissa Evely; Brigante, Giselle Prado (UNIS- VARGINHA, 2022-11-01)
    A região do Sul de Minas é reconhecida mundialmente pela produção rural, principalmente a produção cafeeira, de importância econômica regional e nacional, para o agronegócio. No entanto, o papel da mulher na cafeicultura ...
  • Souza, Gustavo S. de; Bouzan, Antônio M. B.; Infantini, Maurício B.; Silva, Samuel de A.; Almeida, Robson F. de (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2022-10-24)
    Coffee is one of the main commodities of global agribusiness and of outstanding economic and social relevance for Brazil. The lack of labor and its high cost are factors that worry coffee producers, mainly during the conilon ...
  • Souza, Felipe G.; Portes, Marcelo F.; Silva, Marcus V.; Teixeira, Mauri M.; Furtado Júnior, Marconi R. (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2022-08-08)
    Weather conditions and sprayer operating parameters influence spray quality. Unmanned aerial vehicles are considered a modern, useful, and very efficient technological tool in the application of pesticides, as they carry ...
  • Jiménez-Ochoa, Jessica P.; Barrios-Rodríguez, Yeison F.; Bahamón-Monje, Andrés F.; Gutiérrez-Gúzman, Nelson (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2022-08-08)
    Currently, the use of coffee pulp to prepare infusions is being studied based on its antioxidant properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of drying temperature on the chemical properties of ...
  • Costa, Anderson G.; Silva, Eudócio R. O. da; Barros, Murilo M. de; Fagundes, Jonatthan A. (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2022-01-14)
    The quality and price of coffee drinks can be affected by contamination with impurities during roasting and grinding. Methods that enable quality control of marketed products are important to meet the standards required ...
  • Henrique, Nirvani S.; Maltoni, Katia L.; Faria, Glaucia A. (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2022-01-14)
    Litterfall is an important source of soil nutrients, but its decomposition can be affected by the crop system used. The objective of this study was to evaluate litterfall decomposition and macronutrient stocks in coffee ...
  • Lacerda, Kasé Santos; Vargas, Rafaela Carvalho; Ribeiro, Kleber Mariano; Dias Junior, Moacir de Souza; Ribeiro, Kátia Daniela; Abreu, Dorotéo de (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2022-09-12)
    New management practices applied to coffee crops may influence the soil’s capacity to tolerate vertical stresses. This paper aimed to evaluate the influence of two coffee crop management systems on the soil load-bearing ...
  • Rosado, Thiago Lopes; Freitas, Marta Simone Mendonça; Carvalho, Almy Junior Cordeiro de; Gontijo, Ivoney; Pires, André Assis; Vieira, Henrique Duarte; Barcellos, Ronildo (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2021-11-22)
    Molybdenum (Mo) availability is strongly affected by soil pH, which determines the dynamics of electrical charges and the adsorption of molybdate. This study evaluated the effects of nitrogen (N) and Mo application on the ...
  • Peixoto, Luis Otávio Miranda; Marques, Luana Mayumi Takahasi; Mizukawa, Alinne; Azevedo, Julio Cesar Rodrigues de (Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas, 2022-04-15)
    Caffeine is used worldwide as a chemical tracer to identify anthropic pressures on urban water resources. Nevertheless, its quantification demands great financial investments. This research created a model that would ...
  • Ribeiro, Marcelo Pinheiro; Botari, Alexandre (Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas, 2022-03-07)
    Environmental pollution is a worldwide concern, especially when caused by sewage dumping into water bodies. Many substances are present in industrial or domestic wastewater, causing contamination in superficial water ...
  • Alves, Flamarion Dutra; Baticine, Camila Turmina (Geografia, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil, 2019-02-05)
    abordagem sobre gênero no campo perpassa pelas relações de dominação e poder existentes no mundo rural, cujo ambiente tem sido palco de um crescente engajamento político das mulheres nas ̇últimas ...
  • Solis, Reynaldo; Vallejos-Torres, Geomar; Arévalo, Luis; Caceres, Benjamin (Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2022-03-21)
    The inoculation of vegetatively propagated coffee plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) prior to field establishment may positively influence the plant growth and physiology. This study aimed to evaluate the AMF ...
  • Resende, Laís Sousa; Pozza, Edson Ampélio; Luz, André Luís Faustino; Souza, Paulo Estevão de; Vilela, Marina Scalioni; Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Guimarães, Rubens José (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2022-08-29)
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different soil coverings, fertilizer types, and soil conditioners on the incidence and severity of brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola) in coffee (Coffea arabica) ...
  • Almeida, Julieta Andrea Silva de; Neofti, Wilielle Cristina Freitas; Giomo, Gerson Silva (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2022-11-07)
    The objective of this work was to characterize the effect of the osmotic potential of the culture medium on the control of direct somatic embryogenesis in coffee (Coffea arabica) tree. Leaf explants of the Mundo Novo ...
  • Nardon, Adriana Cristina; Fujihara, Ricardo Toshio; Rosa, Daniel Dias (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2022-06-24)
    The objective of this work was to develop a new method for extracting Hypothenemus hampei adults and larvae from coffee (Coffea arabica) fruits. The extractor consists of a set of two plastic containers, with one fit on ...
  • Espindula, Marcelo Curitiba; Tavella, Leonardo Barreto; Schmidt, Raquel; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros; Dias, Jairo Rafael Machado; Bravin, Maísa Pinto; Partelli, Fábio Luiz (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2021-12-10)
    The objective of this work was to determine the contribution of the number of stems to the composition of individual plant yield, and to individual and overall robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) yield at different planting ...

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