A nematological survey was carried out in 1992 in the coffee production area of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to know the different genera of coffee parasitic nematodes in that State. The phytonematodes found and their frequencies (%) in the samples were: 1) Coffea arabica: Helicotylenchus sp. (68.8), Meloidogyne exigua (35.5), Aphelenchus sp. (33.3), Criconemella sp. (20.0), Xiphinema sp. (13.3), Pratylenchus sp. (13.3), Ditylenchus sp. (17.7), Aphelenchoides sp. (17.7), Tylenchus sp. (4.4), Meloidogyne sp. (juveniles) (2.0) and Rotylenchulus sp. (2.2). 2) Coffea canephora var. kouillou: Aphelenchus sp. (56.3) Helicotylenchus sp. (25.0) Ditylenchus sp. (21.9), Meloidogyne sp. (juveniles) (20.3), Pratylenchus sp. (17.2), Tylenchus sp. (15.6), Aphelenchoides sp. (14.0), Criconemella sp. (10.9), Rotylenchulus sp. (10.9) and Xiphinema sp. (1.5).